
This list is designed to be a resource to answer commonly asked questions about parking on and around the SPU campus. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of rules and regulations for parking issues at SPU. For more information on parking policies, see the 停车规定.


Registering your vehicle with the 安全及保安 办公室 is a requirement of both the City and the University. This type of registration is free and is designated as a "Street 停车" permit. The City’s concern centers mostly on transportation management issues. SPU is required to monitor the number of vehicles brought to the campus, as well as provide information and services that allow people to use other avenues of commuting, like the Metro buses or rideshare system. The University requires that vehicles be registered regardless of whether vehicles are parked in campus lots or on city streets, so that we can easily locate owners, 应该有紧急情况吗. It also assists with lot assignments and quick identification. Unregistered vehicles are subject to fines.

Are there times I can park in SPU lots even without a parking e-permit? 

在学年期间(一).e., from the day classes begin in the Fall to the last day of classes in the Spring), SPU的学生, 员工, and guests may park in Commuter parking lots (with the exception of the S lot) without a parking permit from 6 p.m.–7 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day on Saturday and Sunday. During the summer, the lots are open, but long-term summer parking is not available. At no time may any person park in a disabled space, a fire lane, or a reserved space (i.e., any numbered space) without permission—these restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

What if I have to drive a different car to campus?

If you are change your vehicle to a different one than the one you have registered with our department, you must submit your new vehicle information into the 停车 Account Change form on Formstack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/securityparkingchanges). 通过这样做, our 停车 Patrol can avoid ticketing the new car, 网易彩票app可以找到你, 如果需要的话. If your regular car is out of commission, 由于机械问题, a temporary e-permit will be issued. Please fill out the 临时车辆 form on Formstack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/securityparkingchanges_copy_1). Once it has been verified that you have purchased a valid permit for the current quarter, you will be assigned a temporary E-Permit.

How and when do I pay for parking?

For Students, charges will be placed on your account in 学生财务服务. You will not be charged until you are issued an e-permit confirmation. Faculty/Staff will see monthly deductions begin the following month on their payroll, once they have received their e-permit confirmation.

How are parking assignments determined?

目前, SPU uses a priority system for deciding the parking assignments since the demand for permits cannot always be met by available space:

  1. The date the application is received in our office
  2. Residence (for residential students only)
  3. Special considerations (medical reasons, off-campus job, etc.)

According to the priority system, we will assign people to the lots accordingly. Anyone not receiving a permit in the beginning moves onto a waiting list and will be assigned as soon as spaces become available according to the waiting list. After the cut-off date on the registration, first priority will be changed to the date the application is received.


Day Pass permits must be placed on the vehicle's dashboard.

我不配得到这个嘉奖. 我该怎么办呢??

If you feel a citation was unfairly issued, you can petition the citation. This requires you to fill out a petition form online. You must fill out the form entirely. The ticket isn't automatically voided by submitting the petition.

When will I know what space I have received?

Once your parking application has been processed, you will receive an email confirmation that will include your approved lot and stall.




找到SPU的方向, and find your way once you’re here with the campus map and campus accessibility map.

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