
每年, April is dedica泰德 to raising awareness about 性侵犯 and all forms of gender-based violence, 包括跟踪和家庭暴力. 提高对这一问题的认识, 预防未来犯罪, 援助受害者, SPU participates in National 性侵犯意识月 as part of this national campaign.


这些话题看起来很吓人, but we encourage each person to engage with them in whatever format they feel most comfortable. 下面网易彩票app列出了一些想法, 比如阅读一篇网易彩票app性暴力的文章或书籍, 参与牛仔日, or taking our online Preventing Gender-Based Violence training through Canvas.

  • 房间里的大象– 从4月3日到30日, 2024, pay a visit to our “elephant in the room” display in Martin Square to leave encouraging messages for survivors.
  • 电子邮件公告- The 安全与安保办公室 will be sending out informative bulletins about SAAM topics during April. Look for our emails and find out more reasons why 性侵犯 is a community matter.
  • 4月6日“行动日” Show your support for survivors of 性骚扰 and abuse by wearing teal — the color of sexual violence prevention — on April 6 and post a selfie to Twitter or Instagram using #SAAM2024. 参加 #30天的saam在Instagram挑战.
  • 图书展示 顺便去图书馆看看,从这个展览中拿一些免费的东西, which serves as a display of book titles and available e-books rela泰德 to gender-based violence issues. 查看这里的虚拟显示:http://spu.libguides.com/SAAM.
  • 晾衣绳项目 四月的一部分在马丁广场, you’ll see T-shirts designed by SPU students that serve as a way to educate and unite the community against issues of 性侵犯 and gender-based violence.
  • 观看网络研讨会 了解 性侵犯的神经生物学 以及创伤对受害者行为的影响, 丽贝卡·坎贝尔, 博士学位, 密歇根州立大学心理学教授.
  • TED演讲:“男人到底怎么了?” – Listen to the following TED talk by Jackson Katz, the co-founder of 预防暴力导师 (MVP), to learn about “one of the powerful roles that men can play in this work”: http://www.ted.com/talks/jackson_katz_violence_against_women_it_s_a_men_s_issue?language=en
  • 4月9日的雨天 强奸,虐待 & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673),or 热线.瑞恩.org/online. RAINN Day is an opportunity for college students to demonstrate to their peers that they are an ally in the fight against sexual violence. Join the conversation online with the hashtags #RAINNDay and #WontStayQuiet.
  • 全国犯罪受害者权利周4月10-16日 The 办公室 for Victims of Crime supports communities throughout the country in their annual observances of NCVRW. 今年的主题是“支持受害者”. 建立信任. 参与社区,” emphasizes the importance of leveraging community support to help victims of crime. 访问 ovc.ojp.gov /程序/ national-crime-victims-rights-week /概述.
  • 4月24日是牛仔日 A nationally recognized day in which people are encouraged to wear jeans (denim) in order to protest the misconceptions that surround 性侵犯. This annual day of awareness encourages participants to wear jeans or other denim clothing as symbols of believing survivors and not blaming them for 性侵犯 based on what they were wearing at the time. 阅读更多网易彩票app牛仔日的信息 denimdayinfo.org/about.
  • 防止基于性别的暴力(帆布) — This online training will be made available to all faculty, staff, and students. This program covers important topics such as students’ rights and responsibilities; preventing sexual violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪, and harassment; sensitivity regarding victim/survivor experience; and promoting a healthy culture and mindset that prevents these crimes from occurring. 联系 SAFE@tamascandle.net 注册或登录到Canvas以访问该类.
  • 〇寻求帮助 如果你或你认识的人经历过性暴力 and needs support or access to resources, contact 800-656-HOPE (or 800-656-4673) to be connec泰德 with the National Sexual Assault Hotline. 如果您不能自己联系资源, reach out to a trus泰德 person who can help you get safe or who can provide you with emotional support. 如果你有直接的危险, 请拨打911或, 如果你在校园里, 请致电安全与安保办公室206-281-2911. You can also request a safety planning consultation with trauma-informed OSS investigators by emailing SAFE@tamascandle.net.
  • Report on-campus sex discrimination and other sexual misconduct — All members of the SPU community are encouraged to report instances of possible sex discrimination, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 以及其他不当性行为. 有关性别歧视的报告, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 或在网易彩票下载校园内的其他不当性行为, 由SPU学生或员工提供, 或在SPU的计划或活动应作出 University’s Title IX Coordinator, a sexual misconduct report receiver 或者匿名使用 SPU在线报告表格. You can learn more about how SPU responds to reports of sexual misconduct at tamascandle.net/diversity/nondiscrimination-title-ix-oie/responding-to-reports.
  • 你的资源在OSS 在安全与安保办公室, 网易彩票app努力教育网易彩票app的社区网易彩票app性暴力, as well as aid victims/survivors in reporting and investigating incidents of sexual misconduct. 如果你或你认识的人经历过性暴力, 你可以申请创伤安全计划咨询, 了解网易彩票app的流程, and hear about the resources available to you at SPU and beyond by calling OSS at 206-281-2911. If you feel you are in immediate danger, call 911, and OSS 如果你在校园里. If you would like to learn more about on campus resources and support, email traversoc@tamascandle.net or securityinfo@tamascandle.net.
  • 你在学生咨询中心的资源- 访问 http://tamascandle.net/administration/student-counseling-center 向训练有素的专业人员寻求心理健康支持.
  • 为幸存者提供免费治疗 看看你是否有资格免费资源: http://uwprojectsarah.org/.

网易彩票下载 is commit泰德 to maintaining a safe environment free of gender-based violence. SPU禁止一切形式的性别暴力, 包括约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 还有性侵犯, and SPU wants to support healthy relationships for its students and employees. We are hopeful that this is the first of many conversations that will include all interes泰德 individuals and strengthen community safety.

If you would like to learn more about on campus resources and support, contact SAFE@tamascandle.net. If you would like to speak with a confidential mental health counselor, call the 学生辅导中心 at 206-281-2657 to make an appointment. 



在这个 网络研讨会 记录博士. Rebecca Campbell discusses the neurobiology of 性侵犯 以及创伤对受害者行为的影响. 她的工作研究了强奸危机中心和法律, 医疗, 心理健康系统是对成年人需求的回应, 青少年, 以及性侵犯的儿童受害者. A 成绩单 网络研讨会的资料也可以下载.



Dr. 料斗, 剑桥健康联盟兼职心理学讲师, authored this article about why people don’t always respond to an attack the way others might expect.

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