网易彩票下载’s 行为和社区期望



通过在SPU注册本科课程, 学生同意遵守期望, policies, 以及本手册中的程序. 这些在任何时候都适用于SPU的学生, 包括课间休息和学期之间, 并且(除非另有说明)无论是在校内还是校外. Failure to comply at any point from the time of admission until graduation, withdrawal, or other termination of student status may result in disciplinary action. Auditing and non-matriculated students are also expected to comply with applicable expectations, 本手册中的政策和程序.


The University's behavioral and community expectations are shaped and informed by four sources:

  • 大学的使命: 网易彩票下载 is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, 成为有智慧的人, 塑造优雅的社区.
  • Scripture: 作为一所基督教大学, SPU affirms the Old and New Testaments as divinely inspired and authoritative Scriptures. SPU draws from the Christian Scriptures in formulating its policies for faculty, staff and students.
  • 基督教传统: SPU肯定了历史悠久的基督教信仰. The University was founded by the Free Methodist Church and stands within the Wesleyan holiness tradition of evangelical Christianity. We embrace the Wesleyan theology of hope that God's transforming love is offered to all persons, 涉及生活的各个方面, 最终目的是救赎整个受造界.
  • Legal Authority: Some University policies are in response to specific legal requirements, 而另一些则超出了法律的要求. 禁止学生违反联邦法律, 州或地方法律, and some actions may violate University policies even if they are not violations of law.

如上所述, 网易彩票下载's purpose and foundation are grounded in its commitment to the Christian faith as it seeks to foster both competence and character in the lives of students. However, the University does not require its students to share its religious beliefs or conform to all of the lifestyle commitments that follow from these beliefs. This is reinforced by the fact that the University has never required students to sign a statement of faith as a pre-condition to acceptance and enrollment. 受卫斯理神学传统的影响, the University's mission is missiological in nature; it seeks to be a community of hospitality and hope where all people, 无论是信仰基督教的人还是不信仰基督教的人, 能遇见耶稣基督的福音吗. The fact that the University may not require particular beliefs or practices of its students should not be taken to mean that the University regards such beliefs and practices as untrue or unimportant. 特别值得一提的是,大学已经发展了一个 信仰声明 and a 人类性行为声明 that express certain fundamental beliefs and values of the University and related practices of faithful discipleship. The University intends for the words and actions of its faculty and staff to model the call of discipleship and present Jesus Christ in a winsome manner that invites students into an encounter with God. In addition, the University wants to aid students who wish to develop in their Christian faith and provide resources for any student who may be struggling with questions of lifestyle and morality. 为了协助这个, the University provides counseling and ministry services for students who need help in clarifying personal character issues, 关系和行为, 或者那些在道德和道德行为问题上挣扎的人.

Nonetheless, the University requires that all students abide by certain behavioral standards. While the Behavior and 社区的期望 do not give expression to all of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, these behavioral standards are based on the University's Christian mission and are intended to provide a positive learning environment, 促进知识分子, social, spiritual, 以及学生的身体健康, 促进大学人格形成的目标.


网易彩票下载 generally seeks to follow a biblical model of discipline as described in 马修18:15-18 and Galatians 6:1–2 当涉及到与学生有关的行为问题. 这种纪律的目的本质上是救赎, 试图使这个人与上帝和他或她的邻居和解. 它也是进步的, normally beginning with a private conversation between two people (student to student).

如果这两个人不能解决问题, the next level would include consultation with a staff member such as a resident advisor (RA), 居住生活协调员(RLC), 或者是教职员工. 如果无法解决, it will be referred to counseling and/or the conduct process by the dean of students for community life (DOSCL) or DOSCL Designee.
When a situation involving a student or student organization appears to violate University policies, rules, regulations, or standards, it becomes the responsibility of the vice president for student life or the VPSL designee to implement the University's behavioral and disciplinary process.

Because a primary goal of the disciplinary process is to be educational and redemptive, the process is non-adversarial and is not to be considered analogous to court proceedings. 行为听证会不是法庭戏剧. They are meetings among community members to give all parties the opportunity to identify concerns, 解释的看法, 探索行为, 听取建议. 重点放在学生的行为上, and the relationship of behavior to commitments and responsibilities inherent in accepting membership in the University community.

Please note, however, that the University may follow a different approach if there are concerns for campus safety or applicable laws prescribe other procedures. Also, the University has developed specialized procedures for addressing certain types of misconduct. 例如,请参阅标题部分 不当性行为政策 for the University’s procedures for addressing reports of sexual misconduct, 并参考标题部分 非歧视投诉程序 for the University’s procedures for addressing reports of discrimination.



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